National Update and Advice

Kirklees NEU News.

30thApril 2020

The NEU both locally and nationally have been working hard to make sure all supply teachers are not without income during this period. Where schools had already offered work and the supply member of staff had accepted, we are advising schools to honour (and fund) this arrangement, as it had already been budgeted for. Kirklees are also advising schools of this. Agency supply teachers who have been working day to day (not on an engagement) should be being furloughed by their agency or agencies.

Detailed advice for Supply Members can be found here

Kirklees Supply Service

We have been in discussions with the Local Authority regarding the position of members who work through Kirklees Supply Service. We are pleased to be able to update you on what has negotiated to support colleagues registered with Kirklees Supply Service. This is in line with other casual staff across the Local Authority.

For day to day supply staff registered with KSS, who are not on an engagement, their pay will be based on an average of 12 weeks’ pay up to 28 February 2020 at 100% of average earnings. Kirklees Supply Staff will need to be available for work and be willing to volunteer for other duties if required to receive the payment, unless they are able to demonstrate good reason for not being available. This will enable support in schools where there are staff shortages and support in the response to Covid-19.

This will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and could, if necessary, remain in place until 30th June 2020. KSS are currently working on notifying colleagues about these arrangements and we have asked that this happens as a priority.

Keeping in Touch and Support

Any supply member who is having difficulty getting schools or agencies to comply with this advice or have any queries about their position should contact our Supply Member Officer, Melanie Griffiths (

Supply Member Survey

In order for the Union to understand how this crisis has affected supply staff, a national survey has been emailed to all NEU supply staff. Please complete this by Monday May 4th.

Hardship Fund

The NEU have set up a national hardship fund order to support members with no salary as a result of school closures e.g. those on supply contracts/via agencies and on fixed term contracts that have not been renewed as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Kirklees NEU committee met last week and agreed to donate £2000 to the fund.

Details of how to apply to the fund and the criteria can be found here

Subscription Holiday

The National Union is offering a subscription holiday to Supply members who are in financial difficulties and this can be arranged by contacting the membership department, including your full name, address and membership number Please note we cannot arrange this through the Kirklees Office.

WhatsApp Group

We are also setting up a WhatsApp group for Kirklees NEU supply members. If you would like to join email Melanie ( with the following information: full name, telephone number, agencies/supply pool you are registered with and any schools who employ you directly.

Best wishes

Hazel Danson (Secretary) and Mel Griffiths (Supply officer)

Hazel Danson

Kirklees NEU District & Branch Secretary

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